Contact Mike Moss

Mike Moss

Business Development and Regional Sales Manager – UK


+44 (0)1252 544410

About Me

Mike Moss was born in the North of England just outside of Manchester. He is responsible for building growth in the region that includes the UK. “I am very lucky as I enjoy many aspects of my role but still my favorite area is in sales and our customers,” he says. Moss lives 35 minutes by train outside of London in Farnborough and enjoys golf in his free time.

He is also excited about virtual reality, saying that once it is more readily available in homes and businesses it will change the way we communicate. “You will be able to walk around a new building before it is built or have a virtual chef next to you in the kitchen teaching you how to cook a dish.”

Contact BAPI UK


Unit 7, Alpha Centre, North Ln
Aldershot GU12 4RG
United Kingdom

Phone Number:

+44 (0)1252 544410

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